Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Yo - yo, yo-yo - Year of Me health update


OK - so during my travels, I broke my pedometer, thus the lack of updates.  Rest assured, I still have been mobile, just not measuring the steps. Have gotten a new one and if I can remember to wear it, I will be updating again.

Gained the requisite 4-5 pounds while traveling to Seattle.  FAT FAT FAT!  I am freaking out! 

My inital freak out was tempered by the sane voice in my head (read: my husband's voice, since there is no sane voice in my head) telling me that you always gain when you travel and it will drip right back off.  I knew that.  Of course, he was right, and the 4.5 of the 5 pounds has fallen back off immediately.  Must have been water retention from all the salt in airport food, and flying in general.

Anyhoo - I feel great, caught up on sleep for the most part and getting back into routine.

Nightly walks have been replaced with swimming with the kids.  I spend about 2 hours in the pool each day, so that helps.

So - Weight lost to date = 3 pounds.  Still to lose = 27

OK - so I do need to kick it back into gear.   I may choose to add back in a late night walk too, but will see how the family calendar progresses.  The weird thing is that my head is changing.  I want to find ways to exercise my body.  Has my brain re-wired already?

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