Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sit down shower this morning

I was so tired and down this morning, I had to sit down in the shower while shampooing my hair. 

Not good.  Not good at all.

My well of energy is empty.  Must power through this and refill that well...soon.  I will fill it with endorphins and jump start my system again. 

Cannot allow that wicked beast named depression to grab hold of me again.  He is a sneaky bastard.  I will vanquish him.  Updates to follow.  Keep me to it.  Please.

Before work - Walked quick half mile around the block.  Was going to do a full mile at lunch but realized it was going to be too flipping hot.  I knew I'd bail, so settled for a quick half mile before work while it was still 'cool', by DC Summer standards, that is. 

Sit ups, push ups and planks in the office today.  Will update as I do them.

Edit:  2 reps each Sit ups, push ups and squats - done at lunch.
Edit 2:  Swim, then 2 miles on the skating machine at the gym.  10:26 pm - sack time.


  1. Can we talk about a really wonderful book I read in February and have been "working" with good success, Potatoes Not Prozac. Like me, you might be sugar sensitive, and a simple sounding (but emotionally charged) diet change might just turn your life around. I am feeling things turning even as we speak...

  2. Thanks Elizabeth. I wish it would be that easy.

    While I agree about diet issues, I am pretty in touch with all that already. Though I would like to read that book. Always helps to add to the arsenal of knowledge.

    Unfortunately, the easiest answer to this problem is going to be another 5-6 hours in the day, and/or a personal assistant with Power of Attorney to do all my personal and professional administrative tasks. That and a big fat lottery check dropping in my lap wouldn't hurt.

    Pulling a Scarlett, because, after all...tomorrow IS another day. And I bet cotton will be sky high in the spring! Off to the gym once the rug rats are in bed.

  3. Also - regarding eating healthy and breaking sugar addictions...I did a nutrition detox/cleanse that lasted 21 days in November and it TOTALLY changed the way I feel about food and nutrients. Totally broke out of that sugar roller coaster.

    It was awesome, and whenever I feel unbalanced, I got back and do a mini cleanse for a couple days to 'reset my clock' so to speak. People don't realize how what they put in their body so directly affects them.
